Before you all blow me out of the water, I would ask that you take a moment to think about my concerns. First, let me say that I maybe full of shit here, in that I am basing this on what I have heard about Kerry's plan to create jobs. My understanding is that he plans to address the outsourcing of jobs by increasing advantages to corporations that keep jobs here, and not by increasing labor's bargaining power around the world. If I am wrong about this, my concerns are baseless.
However, if Kerry is following the DLC "middle way" of coddling buiseness interests only slightly less that the Repugs, he may preside over the next great depression as ineffectively as Hoover. Why? Because with no labor protection, the only thing that governs workers wages is the law of supply and demand. As there are way to many people on this planet, the value of thier labor is just about zero in a totally free market system. As the capitalists race for todays profits, they are forgetting again that in order for the masses to buy the crap they peddle, they need 'disposable' income to do so.
Helping buisness does nothing to redress this problem, as the problem will not be in the supply side, but the demand side - just as it was during the depression. I think we are seeing the beginning of the next depression now, as cheap labor produces low prices - driving buisness to look for for ever cheaper labor to maintain thier profit margins. If that is what is going on and it hits with full force under Kerry, then what? Will his close ties to buisness interests lead to a relatively hands off approach like Hoover, as he is advocating now? That will lead to a worldwide depression the likes of which we have never seen before, and put the Dems out of power for a generation - just as the last one did for the repugs.
The heart of my concern is that in a depressed economy you need FDR style interventions, which the DLC and now Kerry seem to be reputiating. If Kerry inherits a depression from Bush, hopefully this will change.