I'm reading David Brock's new work. It's good. I know he did some bad things, but he's telling it all and he's
hitting back hard; there's no zeal like the converted.
IMHO we should push Brock's meme about a Republican Noise Machine in the coming weeks and months; it's more likely to catch on in the popular vernacular as it's less esoteric, and it's a very important concept to re-inforce this election season: the fact that many of the sources American's see on the news are part of a tightly knit, well-coordinated operation that aims to distort the truth in service of a hidden ideological agenda.
We've got to figure out how to start saying that without sounding crazy, and Brock's Republican Noise Machine is giving me plenty of ideas.
Anyone else reading it? Anyone want to expand or help flesh out the idea? (Secret Bonus Inside)
Dick Cheney's Alive!