In Dan Froomkin's White House Briefing in the WaPo, amusingly titled "One Vision Thing, Coming Right Up," he quotes an LA Times article outlining some of the details of a second term Bush agenda.
For progressives, the details look more like devils:
"Bundled within overlapping themes of tax reform and economic 'ownership,' they say, are initiatives that would, if enacted, move the country toward fundamentally different systems of taxation and social insurance.
"Wage income would be taxed at something close to a flat rate instead of today's graduated rates. Investment income would be largely tax-free. And individuals would shoulder more of the risk for their retirement, in return for potentially greater rewards."
Now, is it just me, or is Bush gonna have a difficult time making a sale of this to the American public? Let's see, now: a flat tax, screwing both the poor and middle class; a rollback on taxes for investment income, which should do a good job of rewarding people for, umm -- SITTING THERE, watching their money pile up; and finally, just for shits and giggles, rolling back Social Security, and replacing it with a Vegas-style approach to retirement savings ("C'mon... I need a pair of double sixes, and a good quarterly report... c'mon, Lady Luck, do your work...").
Sound like a good plan to you?