In other news, George W. Bush was asked by reporters if he would join John Kerry in saying that fast food is bad for people's health. The AP, CNN, and the New York Times reported that Bush joined Kerry in denouncing fast food restaurants, but let me include the transcript and let you decide for yourself:
QUESTION: But why won't you denounce the fast food that your supporters are eating?
BUSH: I'm denouncing all the stuff being in restaurants, all the food groups. That's what I've said.
I said this kind of unregulated restaurant is wrong for the digestive process. And I asked Senator Kerry to join me in getting rid of all that kind of food, not only in restaurants, but to use for other purposes as well.
I, frankly, thought we'd gotten rid of that when I signed the McDonalds-Arby bill. I thought we were going to once and for all get rid of a system where people could just pour tons of ingredients in and not be held to account for the food.
And so, I'm disappointed with all those kinds of restaurants.
QUESTION: This doesn't have anything to do with other restaurants. You've been accused of mounting a junk-food campaign.
Do you think Senator Kerry lied about his eating habits?
BUSH: I think Senator Kerry ate admirably and he ought to be proud of his waistline.
But the question is who best to lead in the war for deliciousness? Who can handle the responsibilities of the commander in chef? Who's got a clear vision of the taste opportunities that the country faces?
QUESTION: Some Republicans such as Bob Dole and some Republican donors such as Bob Perry have contributed and endorsed the eating at those 527 Swift Boat Veterans for Junk Food restaurants.
QUESTION: When you say that you want to stop all...
BUSH: All of them.
QUESTION: So, I mean...
BUSH: That means that menu, every other menu.
BUSH: Absolutely. I don't think we ought to have restaurants.
I can't be more plain about it. And I wish -- I hope my opponent joins me in saying -- condemning these activities of restaurants. It's -- I think they're bad for the system. That's why I signed the bill, McDonalds-Arby.
I've been disappointed that for the first, you know, six months of this year, restaurants were just pouring tons of money -- billionaires baking cakes. And, you know, I spoke out against them early. I tried to get others to speak out against them as well. And I just don't -- I think they're bad for the system.
And so, I'm disappointed with all those kinds of restaurants.