By now everyone probably heard that Dean said on Leslie Blitzer's show on CNN the administration was using old information to pump up the terror threat. Cheney responded that Dean " doesn't know anything about how these groups operate." That is a really interesting statement to make, considering that Cheney thought we would stop terrorism and al Qaeda by invading Iraq, and told Russert we "would be greeted as liberators." Oops. It seems to me that Dean dragging Cheney into a debate to make him answer the charges, so Cheney can be proven to be lying again, is a great thing, and that it would be hard for Kerry to be hurt in this.
What has to piss you off is what Joe Lieberman said, "nobody in their right mind would believe that the president would scare people for political reasons."
LOL! Does anyone remember Bush's speech pimping war in Iraq in Cincinnati where he talked about unmanned drones spraying chemical weapons? I wanted to throw my tv out the window then but I only screamed at it. Seriously, after Zell Miller gets kicked out of the party, I say Lieberman follows a close second. That pussy even hedged his bets by running simultaneously for Senate and VP when a guy with some balls like Edwards went for broke, so Bowles is set for a win. But back to Dean. It sounds like Dean after was proven absolutely 100% right about the capture of Saddam Hussein, saying it did not make America safer, he is just crawling in his spider hole of denial once again.
Kerry is disagreeing, but staying low-key. Is Dean speaking with authorization of the Kerry campaign.