Why does Bush hate children?
Seriously. What other conclusion could one reach after finding out about this?
President to Allow $1.1 Billion In Children's Health Insurance Funds to Be Removed from The States
Despite Bush's Promises at Republican Convention, Funds that Could Cover 750,000
Uninsured Children Will Be Returned to the U.S. Treasury on September 30
Washington, D.C. At midnight on September 30, 2004, according to a new report issued today by the consumer health group Families USA, approximately $1.1 billion in federal funds previously allocated for the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) will be taken back from the states and returned to the U.S. Treasury. Those funds approximate the annual cost of providing health coverage for 750,000 of the 8.5 million children who are currently uninsured.
At the Republican National Convention, President Bush prominently promoted SCHIP program expansion, stating that "In a new term, we will lead an aggressive effort to enroll millions of poor children who are eligible but not signed up for the government's health insurance programs." However, according to the report, the President now opposes efforts that would enable states to retain and use the $1.1 billion funds for children's health coverage.
As you know, I'm reading George Lakoff's Moral Politics, in which Lakoff argues that the reason why conservatives are opposed to welfare programs (such as SCHIP) is that they violate their moral vision: giving someone something they haven't earned undermines incentives for people to become self-disciplined. I understand this, but what could possibly justify taking this position about a program that provides health care for children? These funds would give 750,000 kids health care that for whatever reason they wouldn't otherwise have. It's that simple. And Bush won't do a thing about it.
Conclusion: Bush hates children.
-- Originally posted on Another Liberal Blog