Take a minute and listen to this piece about Equatorial Guinea:
Somebody, please, do something. I just cannot believe how it is possible that a majority of Americans still believes the lies coming from the administration. Here is a short list of the ones I can remember in 3 minutes:
Domestic policy:
- price tag on medicare
- whom the tax cuts money is going to
- SS crisis
- Blue Sky
- NCLB effectiveness
- Healthy Forest
- Hg water
- importance of deficits
- abstinence only education effectiveness
General lies:
- TANG records
- "nobody could imagine planes as missiles"
- "I did not oppose the 911 commission"
- "I never said I was not worried about Bin Laden"
- Bush acted like a leader immediately after 911
- The air around ground zero is safe
- compassionate conservative
Foreign policy:
- WMDs proofs
- Saddam/Al Qaeda link
- "people everywhere deserve democracy" (except when their leaders sell us the oil??)
These are all provable lies, using facts, quotes and numbers. Not opinions.
Why can't the "opposition" leaders get together and decide to follow the same discipline the repubs are using?! It should even be easier for the Dems: there are more arguments to support a truth than there are to defend a lie.
Every week, they should decide of a "talking point" to hammer the message: this administration is corrupted. Everybody should participate, adding their voice, to make it loud. NO apology.
And why was it not done before the elections?
I am sick to my stomach to think that a majority of gullible people decide of the leader of the most powerful nation on earth. Somebody wake them up! In the meanwhile, I am going back to Europe. I can't stand the idea that my research has military applications and could be used by this bunch of crooks.