The following article appeared on the front page of the Arizona Daily Star today. It covers a recent case where a young woman was denied access to Plan B, an emergency contraceptive that I believe we used to refer to as "high dose estrogen"-I could be wrong about this, and I'm sure that moiv will correct me if I am.
When this young woman finally found a drug store that stocked Plan B, the pharmacist refused to fill it on "moral grounds". I guess this means that he thinks that his moral judgement is superior to hers, or that he is somehow qualified to make decisions about her life for her.
Well, I have the ability to make moral judgements also, so here goes: it violates my moral code to interact with health care workers who exhibit a sloppy attitude toward patients. Why did these people even enter health care, and whose needs are they there to meet, their own or the patient's?
For those of you on the East Coast, Fry's is known as Kroger.