Operation "Save the Lame Duck". Sources in the White House are now saying that Rove lied to Bush in 2003 about whether Rove had "outed" Valerie Plame to the press. Does anyone really believe this bullshit? Bush knew what Rove had done and Bush was involved. As the prosecutor's noose tightens around Rove's Porky Pig neck, CEO Bush is already running for cover much like CEO Ken Lay did when Enron exploded. Considering Rove's history of being a lying, cheating SOB, CEO Bush could honestly accept anything his lying, cheating hatchet-man Rove said as the truth. Pretty soon we'll be hearing Scott McClellan rip another page out of the Reagan Iran-Contra book: "President Bush had taken a much-needed bathroom break and was not in the room when Karl Rove admitted that he had outed Valerie Plame. Next Question."