Now that is lies are catching up with him, he is beginning to change his position. First he tells Kennedy that he made the
1985 memorandum because it was a job application, now he tells Mrs. Snowe that he mistakenly interpreted Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's opinion on what constitutes an undue burden. See the Sun Journal of Lewiston, Maine today contains an article (registration required) that begins, "U.S. Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito Jr. admitted he made a mistake in a 1991 opinion when he backed a Pennsylvania law that women needed permission from their husbands to get an abortion, he told U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe."
The article proceeds to explain, "Alito told Snowe that his lone dissent on a 1991 abortion case mistakenly interpreted Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's opinion on what constitutes an undue burden. He believed her support of parental notification could be extended to include spousal notification, Snowe said. 'He was trying to anticipate what she (O'Connor) would uphold and he said obviously he got it wrong,' Snowe said. He would not answer whether he would vote to uphold Roe v. Wade, if confirmed, she said."
Who knows how will spin the vanguard case since he told the Senate that he will recuse himself and he never did. This man is a liar pure and simple. Can anyone possible believe him? We may not even have the 50 votes required to confirm him.