Is it just me or is the whole Internet imbibing silly juice tonight? Even here at KOS I have been laughing all day. But not before getting taken in by scammers a few times. I was off on my high horse defending poor Joe Wilson from scurrilous attacks implying he was overly influenced by the French. It was only after Hunter started referring to French Hip Hop and Rap, as if this could possibly be a real thing, that I realized the spoof.
Just as I was imagining that Jerry Lewis had hit the comeback trail with dreadlocks and a really hard edge new persona, I noticed that the author of the Joe Wilson is a French Spy diary was named Jerome M. Paris! OMG
Now our friends at Atrios are reporting that after Frist and Hastert indignently called for an investigation of the leak of the "black site" torture memo, Trent Lott is now saying it was a Republican.
Here's the quote from Atrios. I hope this is for real.
Comedy Gold Sometimes I love Republicans:
Too funny. Hastert and Frist make a big show of calling for an investigation into a leak allegedly affecting national security -- the locations of secret "black site" torture prisons. And then -- BOOM!!! Lott just said, Tuesday afternoon, that he thinks it was a GOP Senator who leaked the info to the Washington Post last week. He says the details had been discussed at a GOP Senators-only meeting last week, and that many of those details made it into the WaPo story.
Money quote from Lott; "We can not remain silent. We have met the enemy, and it is us."
All just reported on CNN. We are, folks, witnessing the full-on implosion of the national Republican Party. And not a second too soon.
And over at The Progressive, Lindsay Reinsmith and Alyssa Battistoni have offerred a list of the Top 10 Right-Wing Nut Jobs But how could one have such a list without including Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, or Sean Hannity? I demand a longer list. So wouldn't it be fun to create our own much longer list of Right-Wing Nut Jobs here with comments and then put it to a vote tomorrow for top 25 and send it to David Letterman's joke writers for better coverage?
Also, I will put these up on a Poll so we can get the order right. Obviously, President George Bush gets to be number 1 but I bet we can come up with some better reasons.
- Bill Frist: Frist dumps all of his shares in his "blind trust" right before a plunge and then denies knowing anything about his shares. We can see it now. The Apprentice: Bill Frist.
- Michael Brown: The former director of FEMA told a senate panel that "for reasons he still can't quite comprehend, most of his pleas for help in the superdome got little or no response" during the aftermath of Katrina. But, on Sept. 1 Brown remarked that the government had no knowledge of the conditions in the Superdome. Liar.
- Bill O'Reilly: Evolution Schmevolution. This brilliant Fox News talk show host insists that Intelligent Design be taught in public schools, since evolutionary theory has too many holes. Right, and teaching religion-based theory in schools funded by taxes, that seems far more practical.
- Tom DeLay (R- TX): In his decision to fight charges brought against him, DeLay did what any other conservative nut job would do--he blamed everybody else. It's too late, Tom! Americans are finally waking up and realizing that conservative politics like yours are criminal!
- Ann Coulter: Because she has to appear on anyone's crazy conservative list.
- Bill Bennett: Bill's got this great idea that "you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down." But hang on a minute, Bill. Since abortion apparently is murder and murder is a crime, aborting all those black babies would actually raise the crime rate, wouldn't it? Idiot.
- Karl Rove: This heartless conservative didn't seem the least bit put out that a close employee of five years was on his way out the door. So much for compassionate conservatism.
- Harriet Miers: She's the Houston Astros of the Supreme Court- a lot of hype and excitement, but once she got onto the national stage, she flopped. A little out of your league, huh Harriet?
- Scooter Libby: When Clinton lied under oath, conservatives went nuts. When Libby lies, gets indicted and hands in his resignation, Bush calls him, "one of the most capable and talented individuals I've ever known." Way to go, asshole!
- George W. Bush: What do you do when your war's not going so well and everybody knows it? Why, you hold a teleconference with the 42nd Infantry Division and coach them on what to say to make you look good, of course!
Have Fun and Cheers,