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Texas KOS
Well, Texas became the 18th state to officially put bigotry into the state Constitution by passing Prop 2.
As a Texan living here in Houston (in Tom Delay's district of all things!), All I've got to say is FUUUUUUUCK YOU, You bigots!!!
Understandably Texas will get rapped here. I am frankly disappoined myself.
But this isn't a rant against the people of Texas. B/c F what you heard, the people of Texas DID NOT speak.
The proponents of Prop 2 want to make this out to be some MASSIVE win where the whole damn state marched to stomp out gay & civil rights.
Much like George Bush's fake mandate, these Prop 2 bigots have NO MANDATE. Yes, Prop 2 passed 80+% but there's another number I'd like to point out.
ELEVEN PERCENT. As in 11% of Texas voted. Prop 2 was so unimportant to MOST of Texas that they could budge the populace to vote either way.
You want to know why? Most of Texas doesn't give a FLIP about gay marriage (for or against). They want to know how Texas is going to pay for its schools (still not done), how are they going to afford gas prices (still an issue), they want to know when their boys & girls are going to come home from Iraq b/c they're sick of people dying over there.
The Rethugs did what is Tom Delay's official strategy: Get churches to whip out the wackos to vote while keeping the general populace distracted or asleep.
That's too small a number to number to slam the whole state or to give up on it. We CAN win here & the best way to beat these BIGOTED bills designed only to keep us distracted from real issues is to BEAT THESE FUCKERS OUT OF OFFICE!!
These guys want a fight? Fine. They got one! Most of Texas is looking for real leadership & we can give that to them.
Support these candidates if you can:
Nick Lampson, running against an UNPOPULAR Tom Delay
Chris Bell, who opened the Tom Delay indictments investigation and is running against an UNPOPULAR governor
David Van Os, Texas KOS member & Texas bad ass running for Attorney General
Barbara Radnofsky, running against Bobblehead Kaybe Hutchinson
David Harris, Iraq war veteran and Texas' Paul Hackett.
Who else?? Who am I forgetting?