But first...
The old mojometer that is!
Yesterday at 3:18 pm PT you broke the old mojometer and we had to get a new one :) Much thanks for getting us off to a great start! Success of the YearlyKos Project depends on ordinary people doing what they can to make a difference.
Though our most urgent and pressing need is for cold hard cash, there are also other things you can do to help.
Jump the fold and we'll tell you all about it.
Introducing The YearlyKos Survey
The YearlyKos Convention will be more than just an event in Las Vegas. Our goal is to use every bit of technology we can get our hands on to make the events accessible to non attendees. This includes webcasting and live blogging so that anyone anywhere can participate in discussions.
But none of this is free.
Conventions are expensive, the YearlyKos Convention is no different. Right now, our early registration fee covers only 25-30% of anticipated per person costs, not including operations expenses for the YearlyKos organization itself. We're actively looking for sponsors to help us defray these expenses.
But with that, we are well aware of the pitfalls of corporate sponsorship.
We want to be careful. We want to, as best as we can, accept sponsorships from business that are good corporate citizens. And we need your help to do that. Please take the YearlyKos Survey and help us identify businesses that operate according to values that match our own. You may want to reference BuyBlue.org where you can find information about business practices based on labor and human rights, environment, corporate and social responsibility, and other categories.
We can't promise that all of our sponsors will be perfect, unless someone can convince Ben and Jerry to underwrite the entire convention :) But we can promise to focus on the most responsible corporate citizens that we can find. We want to know what you think. We want to reward companies that share our values. We want to let companies know that we are watching what they do, and that to us progressives, what they do matters.
The survey is not long. And, as far as surveys go, we think it's kind of fun! Every question is optional, but we hope you will answer them all. The more information we have, the better our chances of getting reliable data we can use to attract the kinds of sponsors you would like to see.
Other Ways You Can Support YearlyKos
Connections: If you are a business owner or have connections to businesses that might be interested in sponsoring us, please email us and tell us about it.
Volunteer: We need fundraisers, grantwriters, and public relations specialists. We need programmers and statisticians/data analysts for the Common Ground Project. And if you are a Las Vegas local, we need you to volunteer for the LAB.
Participate: Help shape the organization that believes in the best the netroots has to offer by participating in discussions on the YearlyKos website.
Buy the TrollHouse Cookbook: Purchase this e-book full of delicious recipes and snark, and don't forget to read the story behind the production of this terrific community project.
Register: Take advantage of the discounted early registration, or you can choose one of the other options that will allow you to include a donation with your registration.
Donate: Of course, a direct donation is always appreciated. And, if you are from Iowa, Los Diablo has agreed to match donations up to $200! Thank you Los Diablo! Read the deatails here.
Meanwhile, don't forget to take the YearlyKos Survey.
Thanks for your support! It's going to be great!