Put incumbant Congressional Republicans on the defensive. Every 2006 Democratic challenger's message should be the same: "They've controlled all three branches of government for the last 6 years (with one small exception) and what do they have to show for it?"
"Record deficits, 2000 + dead Americans, $500 Billion spent in Iraq, tax cuts for the rich while average workers wages have gone down, intrusions into the private lives of Americans (mention the Terri Schiavo debacle as often as possible), a flat stock market, 45 million Americans without health insurance, eroding international support for the war on terrorism, no bin-Laden, record levels of personal debt, record high gas prices, more reliance on foreign oil, raids on corporate pensions, and an overall management system that makes Enron look good. But wait, they did save Christmas."
Make incumbent Republicans run on this record. Do not allow them to put any blame on Demcrats because we haven't had a real say in any significant legislation. Don't allow them to pass the buck to Bush either. Bush is old news. They will sell Bush out in a heartbeat if it makes the difference in a tight election. Make them defend this record all on their own.
Point out that they haven't delivered on their promises to the Christian Right either. No changes in abortion laws, (partial-birth abortion laws have consistently been struck down) AND no Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage. Call them out on this. Say: "They trot these issues out every two, four, or six years and then you don't hear about them again until the next election. If they were serious about them, why haven't they done anything in the last 6 years? They use you to get their country club agenda enacted."
The following would make great soundbites for 2006:
- Credit-card Republicans
- Pass-the-buck Republicans
- It's not my fault Republicans
- They are more worried about a made-up war on Christmas, than they are about a very real war in Iraq.
- They are more concerned with appearances/pandering (mention Terri Schiavo) than they are with results.
- If the economy is doing so great, why do I have less money in my pocket at the end of the month?
- Your income taxes may have gone down, but everything else has gone up. College tuition, health care, gas prices, phone, cable, and electric bills, etc...
I'm sorry for the long rant, but I'm convinced Democrats can win big in they stay on the offensive. We cannot allow the debate to center around us being "soft." That's why I think most Democrats should steer clear of making torture and the Patriot Act big issues. Our stance on those two issues leave us in a difficult position--even if we are right.
Remember, most Americans do not follow the news as closely as we all do. Shit, 50% of Americans don't even vote. Stick with things that are easy to explain to normal people, and stay clear of nuance--I think we saw where that gets us.