Flipping by MSNBC a few minutes ago, and I saw a group of Republicans standing up at the gates of the White House announcing that "Victory" in Iraq was on the march. There was Lindsay Graham, John McCain, and oh, Joe Lieberman too.
I don't have the transcript yet, but Lieberman said, and I am paraphrasing, that there are some in the country who think we have already been defeated, but the majority of the country was with him, knowing that we were doing swell in Iraq.
Didn't vomit. There was screaming and gnashing of the teeth at the tv screen however. Didn't Harry Reid tell Joe to just shut the fuck up, oh maybe this week? Didn't the Senate Minority Leader tell both Lieberman and Dean to only speak on matters where the party agrees? Are these things imagined?
This has got to be the last straw. Lieberman is basically telling Harry Reid to piss off. We can not have Joementum bucking our leader, bucking his state's voters, bucking the democratic party, bucking the mood of the country, and do it in a "bi-partisan" coalition of a group of Republicans and him standing in front of the fucking White House.
Lieberman must be punished. Everyone should write, call Harry Reid and demand some smackdown. I thought Harry Reid's statement would mean that we were turning the corner. Howard Dean has heeded Reid's directive, but that is too damned good for Mr. My Shit is SO FUCKING HOLY Lieberman that he didn't thought it would apply to him so he is doing the Chimp's work for him.
Fuck Lieberman. He is dead to me. He should be dead to the party. Draft Lowell Weicker Conneticut. Please.