John Conyers is becoming the NEW joe wilson!
CNN just ran the most incredible headline - and you need to EMAIL them right now.
susan hendricks on cnn just read the following headline
"John Conyers wife is being accused of starting a barfight!"
then she went on to say that there was a
manwoman who had started an altercation and when she confronted
heshe shoved her.
[UPDATE: i have been informed post thread that the woman shown with the black eye was the "other" person...that the altercation was not with a man. this is even more disturbing - the "image" portrayed by the cnn coverage was very biased against Mrs. Conyers without supporting the accusations. it is the COVERAGE that worries me! it is easy to discredit and damage a reputation, it is almost impossible to undo the damage when information is shown to be false!]
more below...
this is a
disgrace!!! cnn is trying through this manipulated story to discredit conyers and perhaps aid bushco in sending both he and his wife a "message" not to "get too close"! oh, the body of the story was VERY different than the "slanderous" headline! the "story" reported that someone had come up to HER and begun the altercation. when she responded, he shoved HER!
[EDIT:ok, here is the problem: i am an obsessive newshound. from hearing the cnn story, THIS is what i came away with... and it is almost completely wrong! the image projected by the story and the FACTS differ widely!
here is what i got:
CNN reported the story as follows: (tease) "John Conyers wife is being accused of starting a barfight last nite... (break - let it sink in to the audience) Mrs. Conyers was involved in an altercation last night when a man approached her.... she confronted him and he shoved her...) then cnn showed a well-dressed, well-coifed mrs. conyers sitting and smiling with a black eye, close-up of black eye, then shot of a
bar front.
first: the altercation was between mrs. conyers and another woman. not clear from the tease and story.
second: the woman shown was not mrs. conyers, but the other woman. not clear at all.
third: the background information, what happened, why, when - not told, just a shot of the bar and a vague "last night" - no explanation of the circumstances to explain the "tabloid" three/four sentence "shocker".
fourth: how easy is it to set up another person to make political headway? well, i keep thinking clebold, kerry, wilson, and more. this "incident" is just WAY too convenient for my liking - it has made the hair stand on the back of my neck - and when that happens, my instincts are usually correct!
i DO believe that had this been any other member of congress' spouse, the headline would have read "congressman's wife attacked!!! the tease implied that mrs. conyers was involved in a drunken brawl, (she has been "accused") yet did not name her accuser, reported a story VERY different from the standalone tease!
i am afraid our beloved champion is being attacked where bushco can hurt him most: through his wife! what better means than have someone assault his wife at a christmas party and then claim SHE started it!
we need to email cnn right now and every time this story appears and demand unbiased reporting!
here is the cnn contact information:
and one more personal note:
Dear Representative Conyers: PLEASE stay strong and on course! I can only imagine how difficult it must be to have those we love personally attacked because of your courage in confronting this administration - my deepest condolences to your beautiful wife and may she stay strong knowing that we are with her and support her and you and know that this is the attempt of a desparate administration to intimidate you into backing off!
Bless you both, and may you celebrate this Christmas, knowing that you both are making America a better place!
Thank you!