This diary is an answer to a reply comment I got from boadicea, who wrote:
"Gannon" was the way into the story. He is not the story. He will reap what he's sown, so to speak, but that's not our job.
The story is the collusion between the White House Press Secretary, and probably other staff members to propagandize the agenda the President claims should be able to stand on its own two feet.
To boadicea,
ABSOLUTELY!!! I don't remember who had the segments of Gannon asking questions of McClellan and Bush, but there were visible repressed smirks on both their faces when they called upon him. The lies and the manipulation of this administration are beyond belief.
ABSOLUTELY!!! I don't remember who had the segments of Gannon asking questions of McClellan and Bush, but there were visible repressed smirks on both their faces when they called upon him. The lies and the manipulation of this administration are beyond belief.
The other day, while talking about the voting in Iraq, Chris Matthews said that the Iraqi people turned him around on the war. We were tricked into a war that killed almost 1,500 Americans, maimed at least 10,0000, upset the lives of maybe another 30,000, killed tens of thousands of Iraqis and became know as ruthless liars to the world, and that moron with a talk show thinks it was OK. Many of them think it was OK now. Too bad they didn't lose spouses or children in Iraq. It's pathetic that we allow Republicans to continually lie and fear and hate monger and we do relatively nothing to stop them. Nothing they say or do can be trusted and the lies just keep coming. The lies that are not so obvious are devastating to the future health of the United States.
I think it's time to stop pussy-footing around and go after them and call them liars in every sentence that comes out of our mouths. Nothing we can do would be more truthful than calling out all the Republican lies, show disgust for them and ridicule them for it. They aren't just misleading us, they aren't just selfish, and they aren't just arrogant. They lie and lie and lie and they are ruining so many great things about this country.
They lied about liberals being soft. So, as if it were a self fulfilling prophecy, soft liberals didn't smack them down for it and it became a political axiom. They lied about trickle down economics and after it failed, they lied about it again and we didn't make them pay for it. They lied about the stem cell lines being enough for research and nobody punished Bush for all the kids he's killing. They lie about Social Security by making the middle class think it's their sole responsibility to pay for the cost of lifetime full Medicare and lifetime minimum of at least $550 per month of retirement benefits while their friends in the country clubs pay nothing and laugh at everyone else. They lied about Valerie Plame and they still are. They lied about their attention to terrorism before 9/11. They lied about Bush freezing on 9/11. They lied about Iraq being tied to al-Qaeda and the lied about WMD. They probably lied about Bush have a miraculous ability to remember details during debates 2 and 3 that he couldn't remember in debate one, while he wasn't wearing the communication box on his back (what kind of gutless Democrats were to pansy-assed to ask Bush what that thing was on his back). They lied about Armstrong Williams, Maggy Gallagher and now Gannon. Somebody wrote me that he or she feels sorry for Gannon. We don't need compassion and we shouldn't even feel it for lying Republicans. Instead, we need to search and destroy. All that means is telling the truth to the American people who don't know which end is up, the way the Republicans like it.
After all those lies, and you know I didn't even scratch the surface, we can't even call them liars, selfish, arrogant, uncaring, deceptive and hate and fear mongers. That's exactly what they are and we don't have the smarts to once and for all take them down.
Liar is only one word but it's a very big word that forces Republicans to prove they are not liars. Then can't do it and Democrats need to step on their heads when they are on the ground and make them pay for lies and the hypocrisy they are all about.
I think that's what Howard Dean will bring to the DNC. But in case he doesn't, let's not be like Stepford Wives, like we were with Kerry. Let's make Dean know we are tired of weakness and fear and if the Democrats don't start stepping on Republicans heads we'll step on theirs or worse still, we will not participate, not give money and not be enthusiastic enough to enlist others to vote for Democrats. The Democrats raised (or rose) as much money as Republicans did last year but it's not the money. It's sticking to principles, telling the truth and knocking the heads off the bastards who lie and deceive the American people on big issues that affect us all.
PS: Matthews now thinks it was so great to go into Iraq now, when we need to go into Iran, maybe they pull his kids out of school to go fight because the "prophetic Bush" left out military in one big tired mess.