I was on Yahoo today, reading the posts of the comman man. Mind you that that scares the bejeezus out of me. I would say shit, but I wasn't sure if it was allowed:)
People in America are retarded. I'm sure of it. I was called a "lib" due to a Gannon comment and subsequently challenged to a fight. I, regrettingly (if that's a word) responded. I gave my screen name for AIM and said, hey, "I don't want to fight, but simply make you look like an ass in debate." to paraphrase of course. If he (or she) wanted to fight, fine(I knew they'd back down, plus c'mon, I'm 21, I'm game:)
Oh damn, I'm so dumb. I was threatened several more times. But my screen neame was listed! No one said anything. My final comment consisted of this:
"I was challenged to many fights by people on these boards. They referred to me as a "Lib" or a "liberal". I assume these people were brainwashed Republicans. I feel bad giving your party name a capital letter, because I responded to your challenges by leaving a screen name via AIM. Well, I'm not much for fighting. I'd rather debate you, and I oppted to do so. NO ONE BIT. Republicans, maybe Facists(I dunno really), should back their words up. At least have the nerve to engage in a debate. I mean, you threatened to kill me!(I'm not even kidding, "Yahoo Libs should be gassed, and their bodies incinerated." Sound evil?) At least tell me why. At least give me the cahnce to make you look stupid."
Yes, I'm a jerk, but they really did say that. They wanted to kill me. Well, not me, but "Liberals" in general. I guess, maybe, I took offence.
Well, why am I scared? I'm actually afraid of what transpired. That bothers me... alot. I fear that things are so screwed up that I, little ol me, would be the one to get in trouble for my comments. I mean, they wanted to kill me(or liberals in general, I'm an independant, but what the hell?) What's going on?!?!?! It's bizzaro world. I swear.