[From the diaries -- Hunter]
Down here in North Mississippi we're sketching out a messaging/communication/educational campaign that we're hoping to launch in the very near future. The basic premise is to re-frame issues in our own language, from the progressive populist perspective. That said, I'd like to harness the power of dKos to generate ideas, talking points, and framing that takes into specific account the sensibilities of Mississippians who've had their minds shaped and warped by 30+ years of agressive GOP marketing.
That said, please add your ideas and discussion here. Thanks for your help with this.
Update [2005-2-26 10:30:56 by mitch2k2]:Please reccommend if you would. The potential input of the dKos community is huge and would be a boon to our efforts. That is,
if we can get a wide variety of input.
Update [2005-2-26 10:9:30 by mitch2k2]:
Some bullet-ads, to be run with a URL for more information. The idea behind this facet of the campaign is linking Dems with positive ideas we can all agree on. Thoughts on the following?:
Think someone who’s willing to work hard and play by the rules should be able to pay the bills, support their family, and still afford health care? So do we.
Think the real purpose of government is to serve the common good and not just to benefit a few special interests? So do we.
Think it’s way past time the government get back to living within its means instead of piling trillions of dollars of debt on our children? So do we.
Think it’s more important to support, arm, and armor our troops than to pay out millions in corporate welfare and tax breaks for the richest of the rich? So do we.
Think ‘Pro-Life’ should mean something more than just ‘Pro-Birth’? So do we.