I really dislike being so full of hatred. I hate the other side with a passion . This is my contribution to their SS positions on a unnamed site I visit. It shows my obvious vitriol towards these evil SOB's.
Millions of old people make 5 or 600 dollars a month from SS AND THATS IT, add a three hundred dollar + spendown they hafta meet to be elibible for Medicaid and you have old folks who eat dog food and cant buy heart and blood pressue medication living in cardboard boxes/
And the repubs wanna do away with that. Less government they preach which really means less social services for the lowest in our country WHILE our Military budget is @#%$ rollin in trillions. Thats why I hate repubs in a nutshell. Theyre evil little trolls who wanna do these things , pretending less gov is their goal. Bullshit. You favor exporting our good jobs , creating millions of people living in poverty and then you destroy the social programs for the population YOU just created.
Fk all you rethugs. I hate your lying , conniving , selfish, pathetic, little lives. Like Ive said. I only hope your Jesus is watching what you do and sentences you to burn in Hell after you die screaming/.