If you visit
White House Website, you do not get the place of birth of President W. Bush. Thanks, to
Google.com I found out the place of birth of
President W. Bush.
Date of birth: July 6, 1946
Place of birth: New Haven, Connecticut
The New Haven born President has a very southern accent for a Northern during this Election years. Now, President W. Bush is not running for office several people are noticing a change speaking style.
The Election Past, President's Message Gets a New Accent
Linguists and longtime watchers of Mr. Bush say it is evidence of a subtle but unmistakable change the 43rd president has undergone in speaking style. He is enunciating more clearly and dotting his remarks with more literary references. Gone is much of the verbal swagger, which produced such memorable first-term phrases as "bring 'em on" (said of Iraqi insurgents) and "dead or alive" (said of catching Osama bin Laden). Some linguists even say they detect a dialing-down of Mr. Bush's Texas accent, at least in his formal speeches.
Was President Bush Texas strut and drawl a campaign gimmick?
The Texas strut and drawl may have worked well to win votes and given Mr. Bush a regular-Joe appeal in his first four years when he still faced re-election. Now that he is trying to sell an ambitious second-term agenda -- overhauling Social Security and the tax system, in addition to helping bring democracy to the Middle East -- his remarks are often more conciliatory and appear to be targeted more at congressional critics and European leaders. Playing to that crowd means Mr. Bush portrays himself a bit less as a Texas Ranger and more as an Ivy League-educated chief executive -- which of course he is.
Mr. Bush may also be weighing his legacy factor. When presidents are mindful of the history books, their style sometimes is different from when they're trying to win elections.
White House advisers say Mr. Bush is indeed communicating with an eye to establishing a different tone for his second term, though they say they aren't trying to play up his intellectual side or dial down his accent.
President Bush the politician will have this southern accent backing in time to campaign for 2006 Republican candidates, I wonder if Republicans would want him in campaign tail for 2006, 2008?