Thanks to his recent foolish maneuvers, Bush seems to have overspent his political capital. He's gone so far out on a limb that even the wingers are abandoning him. He has extremely little support on his pet issues even here in my reddest of red counties just south of Alabama in the Florida Panhandle.
To give you an idea of just how conservative this area is, here are the responses to recent polls on a local TV station's website.
Do you think the public has too much access to government records?
59% Yes
31% No
10% It depends
Should the U.S. drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge?
58% Yes
42% No
But even these people do not support what he's doing with Social Security and Terri Schiavo. Here are those polls.
Do you support or oppose President Bush's proposals on Social Security?
39% Support
57% Oppose
4% Unsure
Do you think it was appropriate or inappropriate for Congress to become involved in the Terri Schiavo case?
21% appropriate
79% inappropriate
Bush is going so far out on the fringes that he's losing the support of a huge number of conservatives on these issues, and he's taking the Republican senators and congressmen down with him. DeLay in his memo gloated how getting Congress to pass this bill would make Bill Nelson (D-FL) look bad and get voted out in 2006, because he didn't support it, but the one it's actually hurting is not Nelson, but Mel Martinez (R-FL), who sponsored the Schiavo bill in the Senate. This is really giving me hope! Bushco is beginning to implode!