While Jeff Gannon's colleagues at the "conservative" news website GOPUSA.com were writing about pornography in this manner -
April Shenandoah...We are allowing the devil to vomit all over our children, and we elect political officials who gladly swim in the same puke. We should be doing everything humanly and spiritually possible to drown pornography in its own vomit... link
Jeff "Bulldog" Gannon not only was posting pornographic pictures of himself to sell gay porn on the internet, he was operating as a porn webmaster himself.
Thanks to the excellent investigative work of blogslut, here , we now have definite confirmation that James Dale Guckert aka "Jeff Gannon" was an adult porn webmaster. Read her entire post for the background, but here is the official statement of MALECORPS, one of the sites to which James Guckert signed up as an affiliate:
A few years ago, www.MaleCorps.com provided individuals and affiliates with the option to have their own home page on the site for marketing purposes. Potential members would see each individual/affiliate's personal page and subscribe to see their photos. The revenue would then be shared between the affiliate and www.MaleCorps.com. This is the full extent of the relationship between www.MaleCorps.com and Jeff Gannon. All his photos were removed from the site about two years ago.
For the past few years, many steps were taken to avoid such occurrences, including the removal of all personal web pages, classifieds and listings from www.MaleCorps.com, as well as the cancellation of the affiliate program in order to keep a better control over the Male Corps trademarks and copyrighted information. As it stands, the site solely provides erotic photos and videos of models on their own, not involving any sexual activity, as well as links to third party providers. It is also noteworthy that the Male Corps web site has never been an escort service.
Because few of us are familiar with how the adult webmaster business works, blogslut has graciously written a Porn Biz for Dummies explanation:
Adult Affiliate Links: How They Work
Adult webmasters sell porn any way they can. They build little pages. They
submit galleries to TGPs (thumbnail gallery posts). They make mini-paysites via an AVS system. Some go
bigtime and create a paysite but most adult webmasters make a living by
selling other people's porn. It's called an affiliate program and this is
how it works:
- The webmaster finds an affiliate program either by clicking a WEBMASTERS
link on a porn site, searching for a program via a search engine or by
visiting an adult webmaster resource site.
- The webmaster signs up for the affiliate program by submitting
personal information. A webmaster living in the US is required to
provide full name and mailing address as well as either a social
security number or tax id number. The webmaster must agree to the
terms of service of the affiliate sponsor. If the webmaster is approved by
the sponsor, the webmaster will receive a confirmation, primarily by email.
- Once approved, the sponsor will issue a UNIQUE REFERRER ID to the
affiliate webmaster. This ID is the lifeblood for the affiliate webmaster.
If a webmaster neglects to include this ID on any text links or graphic banners
that lead to the sponsor, there is no way to track sales generated by the site.
The affiliate webmaster creates an adult page and places text/graphic links
for the sponsor on that page. Sponsor/Affiliate links look like this:
or this:
or even this:
- The affiliate webmaster creates a page and embeds the REFERRER ID into
all the links that lead to the chosen sponsor. Then the affiliate
webmaster promotes that page in the method preferred for the type of site.
If all goes well, the affiliate gets a lot of traffic to their page and some
of the visitors click the REFERRER ID links. For example, links from Gannon's USMCPT site take the surfer to
the sponsor's site, MALECORPS. From there, the surfer decides whether or not they want
to buy what MALECORPS is selling. The sponsor's product could be
membership to a paysite or adult ezine. The product could be membership to
an online personals site. The product could be adult toys. Whatever the
product, once the surfer buys, the affiliate webmaster gets a credit because
the surfer used his UNIQUE REFERRER ID. Jeff's unique referrer ID for his affiliate page to MALECORPS.com was http://malecorps.com/x/usmcpt. (NOT a work-safe link.)
Profile Pages vs. Affiliate Pages
Many of the Guckert links are online profiles. Some of these profiles might
be from sites that offer a free listing to anyone who signs up. They are not
necessarily affiliate/sponsor accounts. These profile sites are a lot like
the phone book, everyone gets listed but the ones who pay have their entry
highlighted so it stands out among the other listings. The profile sites
make their money from their paying members and they use the images and
profiles of those members to draw in more surfers, etc.
Guckert absolutely submitted his profile to these sites, but he may not have
made any money from the effort. Keep in mind that the profile sites like
StudFiles and MaleTreasures probably don't set appointments between escorts
and clients. If they do, they're in big trouble. I imagine that their
members sign up and then are able to exchange emails or chat with other
members. If the members hook up, it's not the site's problem.
My guess is that Guckert used these profile accounts to troll for members.
From all I can tell, Jim/Jeff never built an actual, working paysite of his
own. He built free adult pages either through these profile sites or he
built pages to market his affiliate sponsor. In my opinion, James was a
crappy adult webmaster. He should have dumped the profile sites and just
stuck with the affiliate sponsors. But, I digress.
Here's the easiest way to tell the difference between a profile page and an
affiliate page:
Look for a button or text link or banner that reads: WEBMASTERS
If you see that, you know Jeff was using this page to make money from
Internet porn.
That is the case with Jeff's MALECORPS profile. Clicking the "WEBMASTER" link in that profile sends you to this page. (Screen capture of MALECORPS affiliate sign-up page linked from Jeff's USMCPT profile from archive.org)

It is confirmed that Jeff was an adult webmaster with an affiliate page on MALECORPS. There are many Gannon profile pages on the net and we're in the process of determining which of them are affiliate pages and which of them are Jeff's personal profile sites and the purpose of each site. A sample of sites that are being checked out (NOT WORK SAFE LINKS!) HERE.
(ED:This is linked to separate page acct. offensive links.)
We almost hated for this part of the investigation to move forward now, because Jeff will of course whine that selling porn on the internet is a personal lifestyle choice and that we're picking on him for having gay porn affiliate pages all over the internet in addition to his apparent escort sites. In his latest apologetic posted on his only journalistic outlet at the moment, Jeff says,"They dug deep for dirt, dredging up things long past and erecting a fantasy world worthy of a Vince Flynn novel. What they found is domain names and sexy pictures..." No, what we found was an adult webmaster who had affiliate pages for a gay pornography site who used nude pictures of himself to sell gay porn and to sell himself. As for "digging deep", it's all a mouse click away. Dig here. As for "long past", two years ago MALECORPS pulled Jeff's affiliate page for their own reasons and not by Jeff's request at a time when he was already lined up for his White House day pass as a "conservative correspondent" for GOPUSA.
In the first page on Jeff Gannon's old website TheConservativeGuy.com, he writes, "But I'm not a bad person, and the values I have are the same as those of conservatives......But the truth is conservatives are Americans who share a basic set of core values." Jeff put that statement online in June of 2002 when Bulldog was actively flogging gay porn on the internet.
What values do the known self-proclaimed conservatives Jeff Gannon is most closely associated with - at GOPUSA.com - share? Let's look at a couple of quotes dealing with Jeff's line of work, pornography, from his fellow GOPUSA writers:
Christopher G. Adamo......only a few feet away inside the library, pedophiles and pornography addicts are enabled to indulge in their cravings for indescribable perversity over the Internet...link
Jimmy Moore...The unashamed and in-your-face activists involved in the gay agenda, the millions of people, including children as young as 12, having sex outside the sanctity of marriage, multitudes of married men and women who are actively engaged in adultery, the spread of pornography, especially on the Internet and many other forms of sexual perversion have sent our country on a one-way ticket to destruction....link
Jeff himself wrote, in an article about "rape rooms" in Iraq, "An adjacent room is where the rapist will prepare himself by viewing pornography...." (ed.... Maybe he looked at Bulldog pictures on the internet!)
The issue for those of us investigating Gannon is not that he is a pornographer, but the hypocritical spectacle of a person who claims to represent the anti-pornography, anti-gay Moral Values "conservatives" being a webmaster who trades in gay pornography.
This investigation is, as they say, developing.....
This diary will be crossposted on my weblog, UnFairWitness