I've done it!
I've decided to run for secretary of the Salt Lake County Democratic Party.
It will be a wild, wild ride until the election on April 16.
Press realease below the fold
I changed the e-mail address to avoid e-mail bots.
April 1, 2005
Holladay, UT -- Bob Aagard is announcing his candidacy for Secretary of the Salt Lake County Democratic Party.
Mr Aagard, a lifelong resident of Salt Lake County, was the founder of Mormons for Dean, an advocacy group promoting the Presidential campaign of Howard Dean.
"We need to use the Internet to boost two-way communication between party leadership and the rank-and-file party members," Aagard said. "Currently, we have minimal communication."
Aagard also wants to see Democrats return the debate on Utah Values to better represent the values of all Utahns. "When politicians talk about values in Utah, we talk about one value -- abortion. We need to talk about values that unite us, like helping the poor, or being honorable and just."
Everyone is welcome to visit Bob Aagard's website at http://www.geocities.com/bob4secretary or e-mail Bob at bob4secretary <at> yahoo <dot> com
County Delegates will vote for a new Executive Committee on April 16 at Highland High School.