Geez, will they ever, ever identify the PNAC thugs who get more powerful every day? Here's some info from Information Clearing House:
Some of the ideological roots of today's Bush Administration power-wielders could be traced back to political philosophers Leo Strauss and Albert Wohlstetter or to GOP rightist Barry Goldwater and his rabid anti-communist followers in the early-1960s. But, for simplicity's sake let's stick closer to our own time.
In the early-1990s, there was a group of ideologues and power-politicians on the fringe of the Republican Party's far-right. The members of this group in 1997 would found The Project for the New American Century. (PNAC) Their aim was to prepare for the day when the Republicans regained control of the White House -- and, it was hoped, the other two branches of government as well -- so that their vision of how the U.S. should move in the world would be in place and ready to go, straight off-the-shelf into official policy.
This PNAC group was led by such heavy hitters as Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, James Woolsey, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Bill Kristol, James Bolton, Zalmay M. Khalilzad, William Bennett, Dan Quayle, Jeb Bush, most of whom were movers-and-shakers in previous Administrations, then in power-exile, as it were, while Clinton was in the White House. But even given their reputations and clout, the views of this group were regarded as too extreme to be taken seriously by the mainstream conservatives that controlled the Republican Party.
Be sure to check out the new Ambassador to Iraq - Khalilzad. Yep, he's PNAC as well. No matter how often these men appear on TV, there is never a reference to their connection to PNAC nor to one another. The Weekly Standard, Bill Kristol's propaganda creation is the vehicle through which PNAC ideology is spread. Who woulda guessed?
Here's the Rogue's Gallery of NeoCon Artists for your viewing.... Just click