The battle for the media is, for now, over. Republicans won. Their next target is the classroom. If we lose this, we've lost everything.
This is today's article from a "Politically Incorrect 'European' Professor" at
It is, of course a generic article, written by Professor Anonomous who is from an unnamed European country and is a conservative working at a yet-again-unnamed "elite Liberal Arts College". In short, it's bullshit.
People, public universities are paid for with public, state funds. These people can, in effect, either make our universities give right-wing, bullshit "theories" equal time or simply cut school funding. Either way, it is a disaster for free-thinking liberals with an aversion to horse shit.
They are trying to gain a footings in schools to indoctrinate our children by claiming that universities are biased. Remember what happened when Limbaugh and those other fuckers said that about the media. Classic fascism strikes again.
To sum up: screw the fight for the MSM. Welcome to the new battlefield.