HUNT: Bob, why would Senator Frist refuse an offer to break the deadlock?
NOVAK: Because the whole system (INAUDIBLE) you're not going to have -- like going to a concentration camp and picking out which people go to the death chamber. You're not going to let the Democrats do that, say, We're going to -- we're going to confirm this person, we're not going to confirm the other person. They're going to -- they're going to say that this is not the way we're going to do it. They've had all kinds of different offers of that kind.
Yes, he compared not confirming judges to the genocide of the jews. This guy has really lost it, how does he still have a job? How does he get away with saying stuff like that?
But, as long as Novak doesn't mind people using Nazi imagery to make points...
Moore writes that "The Patriot Act is as un-American as Mein Kampf." Last October on CNN, Crossfire host Robert Novak said to Moore, "That's obscene, to compare the Patriot Act with Mein Kampf."
Oh, and if we hold CNN to the "MoveOn Nazi-Ad" standard, not only should Novak be fired, but the whole organization should never be discussed without mentioning this.
Truly a douchebag for liberty that Novak.
(crossposted at Drunk Monkey)