I know there are many Kossacks who are disturbed by the Burns Amendment and it's effect on the wild horse population in the US.
This Thursday, an important amendment will come to the floor of the House. It is called the Rahall-Whitfield Interior Appropriations Amendment and, if passed, would ensure that no tax dollars would be used for any sale of wild horses that could lead to their slaughter.
The Humane Society of the United States has a web page set up to help those of us who would like to do whatever we can to stop the sale of these horses to slaughter.
I sent in my email this morning and am going to call my Representative tomorrow. I believe this is an important step towards undoing the Burns Amendment and could save 100's of horses from a cruel and painful death. If you are interested, I hope you will contact your representative and urge him/her to vote for this amendment.
In case you aren't aware, a decades old protection of wild horses and burros was lifted via a last minute addendum to an appropriations bill last December. The change allows the sale of older animals that are not deemed adoptable to buyers who are now freed of the customary year long wait to sell the animal without any inteference from the BLM (who used to maintain partial ownership of the animal). Now, they can sell them to whoever they wish as soon as they get them. 41 mustangs were slaughtered as soon as the new rule came into effect, forcing the BLM to stop all sales while it investigates who is buying these horses. It it only a matter of time before the sales begin again and horses once again are at risk of falling into the hands of those who would sell them to the slaughterhouses.