Something doesn't make sense to me. If the Republicans beleive that it is their right to end the filibuster by just a majority vote then how come re-enactment, in a new congress, it will take 60 votes?
Isn't there some kind of missing balance here?
My feeling is that there should be no compromise and finally let the shit hit the fan and go after Republicans as the horrible digusting and selfish hyppocrites they are.
I heard before that Priscilla Ownes is against zoning. How fucking stupid and arrogant is that? Imagine buying a house with your entire life's savings and this Republican entrepreneur decides to start a business collecting and packaging horse shit right next door to you? They can't do it now because the area you bought in is zoned for residential and specifically disallows horse shit packaging and sales. Well, if the Republicans get their way, business comes first in every way and maybe zoning will go. Nothing is safe with these bastards.
Democrats better not abandon us now because if they do, there might not be another next time. Hmm, I've said that before.