The ever insightful Stirling Newberry has led me to grasp the profound similarity between the collapsed command economy of the Soviet Union and the stagnating command economy of Cheney/Rove. I call our new system: NEOCONMUNISM. Here's how it works:
- There are two tests for leadership: ideological fervor and personal zeal. A man like Bolton is the perfect Neoconmunist. He has unswervingly maintained the importance of party supremacy and he has done anything necessary to advance the Neoconmunist party.
- The Neoconmunist leaders must have total power. The party must control all branches of government and the state security apparatus (DHS).
- The nation must be continually at war, because war provides the ultimate justification for a command economy. All sectors must be directed by the Neoconmunists to defend the Fatherland.
- Complete control of news organizations by the propaganda ministry is essential to maintaining order. Independent news organizations should be manipulated through their owners and by infiltrating them with party loyalists.
- The pretense of free elections should be maintained to avoid unrest, but party control of all branches of government must not be jeopardized. Where necessary, election results should be altered to maintain party control.
- Karl Rove is the new Lenin of our Neoconmunist era. He is a man determined to put his mark on history and completely unencumbered by the moral scruples of decadent weaklings.
- Neoconmunism will expand until all nations are subservient to America, and the most powerful Americans attain their destined place as rulers of the world. The powerful will rule as gods, and the weak will tremble before them.