We've fixed a bunch of the problems mentioned below. Add any additional ones you find here.
Lots of griping, some legit, some inevitable resistance to change.
I mean, there was a huge shitstorm when I changed the story titles to green. It was a tiny color change, and people freaked. So I expected much worse than I've gotten, to be honest. And the old timers can testify to the howls when we switched over to Scoop. This is tame in comparison. Surprisingly so (believe it or not).
Sites that look and stay the same end up stagnating, and I won't let that happen here. Expect a redesign every 18-24 months. And yeah, the militaristic edge to the design is on purpose. We're at war, on several different levels. I wanted a design that reflected that and got exactly what I wanted.
Like I said before, the narrow fixed width can be solved with a stylesheet change. It'll happen at some point in the near future. I also plan on having a a column switcher to flip the ad and navigation/diaries column around. I grayed up the site a hint to cut down on the excessive white. I toyed a tiny bit with line spacing, but that's the kind of thing you'll get used to. There were many who had trouble reading the last version of the site, and it seems that crowd is satiated (judging by my emails and several comments).
Will everyone be happy? Of course not. There's too damn many of you for that to happen. And I won't water down to the lowest common denominator. I like having an edge. Believe it or not, the old design was once considered "edgy" by many. I consider edginess to be a secret to this site's success.
That doesn't mean I don't have plenty of tweaking ahead of me. And if people want to create their own stylesheets to skin the site, I'd be happy to accommodate (within reason).
In any case, thanks for bearing with us as we squash the inevitable bugs. Some we'll fix right away, othes may take a day or two. But we're on it.
Update: Ugh, nasty bug with long threads breaking. We'll take a look at that ASAP in the morning. Jeremy has had a long day and he went to bed.
Update II: Okay, I'm going to bed. Tightened the spacing between lines, per request. Made some other changes. Lots of things still left to get to.
One quick note: people keep complaining about the orange links and white background. Umm, guys? That hasn't changed from the last version. Pesonally, I think the last version looks washed out compared to this one.