From the RaisingKaine blog
At this point, White House and Congressional Republicans ain't got nothin' to brag about. They ain't got Social Security privatization. They ain't got a balanced budget. They ain't got a booming stock market. They ain't got an energy bill, certainly not one that will do anything to lessen our oil import dependence. They ain't got a healthy economy. They ain't got CAFTA. They ain't got John Bolton. They ain't got the nuclear option. They ain't got success in Iraq. They ain't got victory in the "war on terror." They ain't got absolute power or a theocracy -- yet. They aint' got any ideas. They ain't got the slightest shred of integrity. And, of course, they ain't got popularity. In other words, they ain't got nothin'.
So, what do bullies and right-wing Republicans do when they know they ain't got nothin'? They go on the attack, of course, as viciously and below-the-belt as possible. So here comes lump-o'-lard and supposed "political genius" Karl Rove -- who bears a great deal of the blame for leading his President, his party, and his country over the cliff -- lashing out at "liberals" for, of all things, 9/11. Believe it or not, here's what Pillsbury Dough Boy
Rove has to say on the subject:
Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers." Conservatives, he said, "saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war.
Huh? Where on earth did THAT come from? Wait a minute, let me get this straight now, because my memory must be failing me: "liberals" called for "therapy and understanding for our attackers" after 9/11? They did? Amazing, I simply don't remember that. Instead, I could have sworn that 90%+ of Americans, Democrats included, were united in going after Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban. What Americans were not unified about was expanding the "war on terror" to a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, Iraq. Which must be what Rove is talking about when he says "prepared for war" -- the long-hatched neocon plans to use any excuse possible to take down Saddam Hussein. And 9/11 gave them that excuse, no question.
OK, great Karl, so now we're stuck in Iraq without a success strategy, an exit strategy, or a "don't-create-a-terrorist-breeding-ground" strategy for that matter. You call that "preparing for war?' Only one problem: you forgot the "prepare" part! And, Mr. Doughboy, it's exactly a result of your lack of preparation for war after 9/11 that has led us to the morasse where we now find ourselves in Iraq. Great job, guys, totally botching the job you had planned for more than a decade. And what have we accomplished in Iraq, except for creating a slew of future 9/11 hijackers, adding a new unstable element to the Middle East, bankrupting our own country in the process, and losing the lives of 1,700+ brave, young Americans? Absolutely nothing.
Oh, and meanwhile, where the hell is Osama bin Laden, mastermind of 9/11, who George W. Bush promised to get "dead or alive." Well, one thing we know for sure is that he's alive. The problem is that we just don't have a clue where he is exactly or how to get him.
Which, by the way, raises the question: why the hell DIDN'T we get Osama bin Laden when we had him cornered in Tora Bora?!? Could that just have a wee bit to do with the fact that you dodo birds had already started shifting resources towards Iraq before we finished the job in Afghanistan? And could that just have a wee bit to do with the fact that you outsourced the fight against Osama bin Laden, murderer of thousands of Americans, to a bunch of Afghan warlords instead of taking him on yourselves? And could this all be just a wee bit reflective of utter lack of preparation for war?
Sorry, Karl, but we're on to your warped little games. We know that you're desperate at this point, that you and George Bush have screwed up everything you've touched your whole lives (except perhaps for stealing elections and getting bailed out of companies you bankrupted, that is) Now, it looks like you've let Osama bin Laden escape AND created a complete disaster in Iraq, all in one well swoop. I'll tel you, with "conservatives" like you preparing for war, I'll take the "liberals" any day. 'Cause you guys ain't got nothin' -- except desperation, bile, and nastiness, of course. Unfortunately for America, you've got those in spades.