In response to Karl Rove's speech last week, I am trying to figure out where I fit in. This is what I believe. Based on the Rove Standard, can you pigeonhole me into one group or another?
I believe in balancing the budget. I do not agree with the government spending money it does not have.
I want regulations that make sense, regulations that are enforced, and regulation (or lack of regulation) that is not bought and paid for by corporate interests.
I measure the effectiveness of programs by their impact on society. When they are ineffective, I consider changes to the programs themselves as well as their inputs.
I believe in eliminating waste in government. I believe the government exists to help the people.
I believe we should be a less litigious society. Not only should we be less inclined to litigate when litigation is unwarranted, but we should not be put in positions where litigation is warranted.
I believe in accountability. If Johnny can't read, fix the school. I believe in choice. If you want to send your kid to Catholic school, go for it. But I do not believe it possible or feasible to provide vouchers to every child who wants/needs/deserves one, and anything less seems like a gimmick.
I believe life begins at birth. I believe we should reduce the number of abortions, and that indiscriminate abortion is immoral.
I saw the savagery of 9/11 and prepared for war.
In the wake of 9/11 I believed it was time to punish those responsible for 9/11, but only those responsible.
I see the United States as a great nation divided by the policies, words, and deeds of its leaders. I want to see policies that are in line with the core beliefs of the people who made this country great. I want to hear words that are truthful and accurate. I want to see deeds that defend our nation and further our interests without crossing the line between legal and illegal, moral and immoral, or responsible and irresponsible.
I consider myself a normal, thoughtful person. I like to look at the different sides of each issue and then decide for myself what is best for me and my family. I fought for my country as a US Marine. I work, I love America and I'm happy with my life. But I cannot agree with the road we're being led down. So what am I?