One thing we know about the wingers: they never ever stop. They don't want to turn every state into a battleground. In fact, they will do their best to make this a federal issue.
Here's the article that describes the coming federal war:
I argued in another diary why Bob Casey Jr.--anti-science, pro life, wishy washy on arctic drilling--that he was the wrong man for a minority party. When you're in the minority you don't need a moderate. You need firebrands. You need Paul Wellstones. You need Chuck Pennacchio.
Keep in mind that Roberts--an awful pick and guess what a big fat fuck you to the Dems--is the kind of guy that Bob Casey wouldn't fillibuster, because we have to save the imaginary lil babies. And when they push to make the ban national and to jail women he'll probably vote for that as well. Remember, he's for pharmacists who vote their consciences. He's the wrong guy at the wrong time Now more than ever.
If you care about the women in your lives and truly love them as opposed to desiring some theocratic rule over their very orifices, then you need to take a second look at Chuck Pennacchio. He needs money and help and he's a real opposition candidate.. You don't send squishy pro life moderates to fight federalist society fascists.
Philip Shropshire
PS: What good would Casey's pro labor credentials be against a judge like this?