[update]: Kos has just
made this script completely unnecessary
A recent site change means that all diaries are now linked via a /storyonly/ URL instead of a /story URL. This means that when you click on the link to a diary, you see only the diary, and not the comments. To view the comments, you need to click another link.
This drives me totally nuts.
As a result, I've written a script for the GreaseMonkey FireFox extension to convert all /storyonly/ URLs on the site into /story/ URLs. This saves the need to click on a separate "view comments" link at the end of the diary.
- To install, you first need to be running the FireFox web browser.
- Once that is installed, visit the GreaseMonkey extension installation page and install GreaseMonkey. You may need to explicitly configure FireFox to allow GreaseMonkey.Mozdev.org to install extensions. Do this by selecting 'options' from the 'tools' menu, clicking on 'web features', checking the checkbox marked 'allow web sites to install software' and then adding greasemonkey.mozdev.org to the list of allowed sites.
- Once GreaseMonkey is installed, right-click on this link, and select 'install user script' from the menu.
- Voila. No more extra click to reach diary comments.