Uggh... these guys need to get it together. The DNC seems to struggle often when it comes to delivering a clear and convincing message, which is a shame, because they have so much material to work with in this Bush administration. This latest Flash animation entitled Bush's $5.2 Trillion Deficit is a perfect example. Yes, the deficit is out of control and needs to be addressed. Yes, specific spending cuts in child welfare and job training programs are immoral and need to be reversed. However, when these two things are jammed together in the same clip without any transition, they really just end up as conflicting complaints. You want Bush to cut the deficit, yet increase spending. That's how this clip views. That doesn't make much sense. (This entry will likely make more sense after you've viewed the clip
If it were phrased such that the clip points out that the deficit is sky high, while AT THE SAME TIME, none of that money is being spent on important priorities like child welfare, etc... then it might be effective. But this clip doesn't do that at all. The way a message is delivered is just as important, if not more important, than the content itself. The DNC had better figure this out fast!