Thought this article could start some interesting discussion.
Framing Abortion: Gonadal Politics and the Democrats
by Joshua Frank
"I don't do gonadal politics."
-- Ralph Nader, 1996, thus encountering the eternal wrath of pro-abortion progressives.
How can anybody reasonably consider the Democrats the party of opposition? I mean, what exactly do they oppose? Far too many Dems in Washington are reading whatever dyslexic cue cards George Lakoff flashes in front of them.
The one issue you'd think the Democrats would want to stand behind, as President Bush appoints a pro-lifer to the bench, is the right for a woman to get an abortion. But here we have commander in chair Howard Dean exclaiming that Democrats should drop their pro-choice shtick and do what they can to pull more pro-lifers into the fold.
"I think we need to talk about this issue differently," Dean said on June 20. "The Republicans have painted us as a pro-abortion party. I don't know anybody in America who is pro-abortion."
Translation: "Abortion is murder, and nobody I know in America is pro-murder!"
Read the rest HERE!