at the end of today's
press briefing, a reporter asked the following question to mcclellan:
Q ...There has been a lot of speculation concerning the meaning of the underlying statute and the grand jury investigation concerning Mr. Rove. The question is, have the legal counsel to the White House or White House staff reviewed the statute in sufficient specificity
to determine whether a violation of that statute would, in effect, constitute treason?
MR. McCLELLAN: I think that in terms of decisions regarding the investigation, those are matters for those overseeing the investigation to decide.
after searching through the last 2 years of press briefings with mcclellan, in relation to the CIA investigation into the outing of valerie plame, i believe that this is the first time the word treason has been brought up in the white house press briefing room.
one question is.. will the networks follow the print journalists' lead and start asking questions using the language that this story deserves ? or are they close to the end of their short leashes already ?