It's Karl Rove's friend Pat Peale, wearing her bandage to mock Senator John Kerry during the 2004 RNC.
So why am I bringing her up again?
Beacuse the Rove Republicans are at it again.
More on the flip side.
The latest target for the chicken-hawk Republicans to go after is
Paul Hackett
Oh, and where did those bandages come from last year?
It turns out the bandages -- which came with a message that read, "It was just a self-inflicted scratch, but you see I got a Purple Heart for it" -- were distributed by delegate Morton Blackwell of Arlington, Va.
Who's Morton Blackwell?
He's a guy who just happens to be an old friend of Karl Rove who helped get Rove started in politics when he trained him as a Republican organizer back when little Karl was still in high school.
Neat coincidence, huh?
That foul stench in the air? It's more Chicken-Hawk chicken-shit from Rove/Bush & friends.
Bandage Story
Chicken Hawks