I really don't know what to make of this :
(1) Is this comment meant to be a bite at Babyface for having lost the nomination to him?
(2) Is this bite meant to create an opening for pro-choicers to attack Roberts not on his record but on what he could do if on the bench?
(3) Is this Abu's way to ask the Dems to go soft on him in wake of the investigation over possible tampering of evidence over Plamegate?
(4) What does is this comment telling us that Bush doesn't want us to know?
(5) If this is Abu's way of turning on his master, does it mean they're really shitting their pants over at the White House?
Roberts was nominated by President Bush to replace Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who favors abortion rights. Though Roberts has not expressed his personal views on the issue, groups on both sides are attempting to discern his leanings from his statements and writings.
Gonzales said circumstances had changed since Roberts commented on Roe v. Wade during his 2003 confirmation hearing for the seat he now holds on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
"If you're asking a circuit court judge, like Judge Roberts was asked, yes, it is settled law because you're bound by the precedent," Gonzales said.
"If you're a Supreme Court justice, that's a different question because a Supreme Court justice is not obliged to follow precedent if you believe it's wrong," Gonzales said.
While abortion foes fret about Roberts' statement two years ago, abortion rights groups are concerned by a legal brief Roberts helped write for a Supreme Court case while serving as deputy solicitor general in the administration of President George H.W. Bush.
The brief argued that the landmark abortion decision "was wrongly decided and should be overruled." Bush officials have said the brief reflected administration policy and Roberts was one of nine lawyers who signed it.
Gonzales said deciding when to overturn an earlier ruling "is one of the most difficult questions any Supreme Court justice has to answer." Among the factors to consider is how old is the precedent, he said.
Gonzales said he has a "preliminary judgment" about whether the Constitution affords the right to an abortion, but he declined to reveal it.
Gonzales has been thought to be a candidate for the Supreme Court because of his close relationship with Bush and his Hispanic heritage. Conservative groups mounted a strong campaign against his selection, based mainly on questions about his abortion stance.
Asked about that opposition, Gonzales sighed before responding, "This is the big decision. People have waited for over 11 years. There was a lot of pent-up anticipation and a lot vested in this decision."
He would not say whether Bush interviewed him for the job.
Look at his cock-teasing with the "preliminary judgement" he won't reveal. And that sigh? I love the sigh.
I'm telling you, these people just don't cease to amaze me. I truly believe there's a real drama unfolding in the Bush inner circle and this is just a hint of what's to come.
[update] edited a bit the poll for clarity