Who: Any Kossacks and
My Left Wingers (man, we GOTTA get a nickname at
My Left Wing) desirous of the company of kindred Kossack/Left Winger spirits and willing to find their way to Sherman Oaks, California.
What: Monthly Potluck Meet-Up of Kossacks and My Left Wingers!) in Southern California, general vicinity of the Valley/Hollywood/Spitting Distance Thereof...
(Potluck: Bring food. We have a grill, for any who wish to use it. Fruit, salads, breads, sweets, meats, chips, beverages - so far we've done quite well without assigning dishes. Might have to go thataway eventually, but for now, let the chips and dip fall where they may...)
Where: The home of the brave: Maryscott O'Connor's domicile.
When: Saturday, July 30th, Noonish
Why: Because it's the last Saturday of the month and that's when we have our Meet-Ups, that's why.
How: Email me for directions and contact info:
I can't open gmail right now -- just in case, cc me at the yahoo address...
So, now that I have my own community blog, My Left Wing, does this fuck up your idea of what these Meet-Ups are supposed to be? Or is it a case of "The More the Merrier the Meet-Up?"
I don't want to mess with what we already had going, so if it seems like it's going to throw everything into a big tizzy, we can all just pretend I DON'T have a sister blog...