It's right here in this
NY Times Article:
. . .
When you talk about living standards, you have to focus on people in the middle," said Robert Gordon, an economist at Northwestern University. "A lot of the goodies that we think of as raising living standards have gone to the people at the top at the expense of the broad mass of Americans in the middle."
. . .
Labor's share, which has historically represented 60 to 65 percent of the total, has fallen in the last five years to the low end of that range.
. . .
"We had much less income inequality in the first couple of decades after World War II because of strong unions, restricted trade and a DECLINE IN IMMIGRATION," Mr. Gordon said. "Then all three reversed, which means that the income from productivity falls to the bottom line and for the time being stays there."
Emphasis is mine.
I don't believe that the Times is incorrigibly racist.
Should this appear on Kos though, an accusation of racism would be as INEVITABLE as a rainy day.
(more below fold)
This is not actually a diary about whether or not the New York times is incorrigibly racist.
While many of the employees of that paper doubtlessly have very real prejudice, as does EVERYONE, including the entire readership of, and everyone on the internet.
The times is not a racist institution, neither is Doctor Robert J. Gordon (look at his faculty web site, he is a respected and prolific academic).
What I'm suggesting is that there are a number of people on this board who believe that any argument for reductions in immigration are inherently racist, and that they do their level best to disrupt discussions of this by rants, straw men, and putting words into other people's life.
The word that describes them, at least on this issue, is TROLLS.
They have no goal except to turn any discussion into a pig fight from where they can feel justified in hurling cries of racism.
It minimizes the plight of the bottom 60% of this country, and the abuse of illegal aliens as a part of this system, all in the name of sanctimonious political correctness.
(on edit)
Tip jar, surely you jest.