VIDEO 13 minutes QuickTime video
The corporations recognize that paying for healthcare in an environment that is geared solely to profiting from sick people will bankrupt them sending all of your and their money to the Pharmaceutical companies. So, of course they don't want to be responsible for paying for the healthcare of their employees. That's why everytime a major labor contract comes up for negotiations the companies have been taking the offensive by demanding unions to accept LESS healthcare benefits. The best solution for both would be Universal Healthcare but that requires employers and heathcare recipients to take on the Pharmaceutical Lobby ...

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Filmed at, and prior to, the BioTech 2005 Counter Conference in Philadelphia between June 14th -21st; this video Features Fabricio Rodriguez (Jobs With Justice), Jeff Brooks (President; TWU #234), Pedro Rodriguez (Action Alliance for Senior Citizens) and Adam Tsai, MD (Physicians for a Natonal Healthcare Program).
Related Links ::: Jobs With Justice, Transit Workers Union #234, Action Alliance of Senior Citizens, Hep C Solutions, Physicians for a National Health Program, Kucinich's Universal Healthcare Plan