Abu Ghraib Prison Realse
In an effort to win some peace. The US has released thousands of prisoners from Abu Ghraib. These prisoners which were rounded up off the streets are mostly Sunni's. They have been treated poorly at best and held without charge. Realizing that these prisoners all had families at large, who out of pure vexation at the injustice were helping hide the insurgents, and how infuriated the Iraqi's were that Saddams old prison was being used for a new kind of torture, American torture.
The prisoner release is a step in the right direction, even if it is way too late.
Whether you
support the war or not, it is in all of our best interests to see a semblance of a successful conclusion to this horrendous situation. So far leadership and wisdom has been lacking, but this is, again, at least a step in the right direction. Nearly everything that could go wrong has gone wrong, yet the troops continue on with their mission. My fear is all this effort has gone for naught and in the end, as a few years pass Iraq will develop a nuclear weapon as a deterent, a lesson learned from North Korea, India, Pakistan, Isreal, Iran and so on. To be seen as the weakest country in the region, nuclear weapons would give them a sense of power. How frightening and what a mess. So I say again, whether you supported this war or not, a successful conclusion is in all of our best interests.
The fear that a disenfranchised and impoverished Sunni segment of Iraq, would rebel fiercely at being left out of the oil loop is cause for great concern. Their terrorist activities would escalate. The President has been working over time, to include the Sunni's in constitution. The prisoner release is a sign of compromise and a desparate attempt to forge ahead with a semblance of unity in the region.
At the cost of billions to the US tax payers the sooner this is over the better.
Yes they botched the war on every level. I don't think anyone is particularly happy about this whole mess. On many levels, I don't see how this administration can fix it! The neo-cons get an A in war, and an F in peace. This is what we tried to say, as loudly as we could, but to no avail.