Official notifications, on WWLTV's Katrina Blog, keeping residents updated on developments.
Below the fold: remains the best source for official information on the situation inside New Orleans.
They keep a running blog, as notifications come in, and it's a good way of understanding both how dire the situation is, and of checking against hype or understatement elsewhere.
Updates as they come in on Katrina
11:42 AM CDT on Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tom Planchet
11:40 - (AP) Roving bands of looters are breaking into stores in Carrollton area to get food and supplies. They've also stolen guns and armed themselves.
11:33 A.M. - Director Walter Maestri: We have no food or water for the evacuees. Says emergency workers have seized the food and water and drinks from Sam's Club, Wal-Mart and other groceries for evacuees, but he said that is all gone. Says water supply is gone. More water expected, but its not there right now. Says evacuees are getting upset and harried.
11:32 A.M. - Director Walter Maestri: FEMA and national agencies not delivering the help nearly as fast as it is needed.
11:30 A.M. - Emergency Operations Director Walter Maestri: Evacuees from New Orleans and the east bank of Jefferson are flocking to the west bank, overwhelming the facilities.
10:58 A.M. - (AP) The New Orleans International Airport has reopened to allow humanitarian flights in and out, officials said Wednesday.
10:55 A.M. - (AP) The Dallas school district says it'll enroll in district schools the children of any Hurricane Katrina refugees that ask for it.
10:52 A.M. - (AP) Every branch of the U.S. military is involved in the rescue-and-relief mission following Hurricane Katrina. The U.S. Northern Command is coordinating search and rescue, medical help and supplies. The work will support the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.
10:14 A.M. - WWL-TV: Governor Blanco confirms plans to move evacuees to the Houston Astrodome. Blanco said she remains in contact with the White House, and has asked for a military presence in New Orleans, adding it was important to stabilize things as soon as possible. Buses are on their way to the Superdome to remove the evacuees.
10:06 A.M. - WWL-TV: Gas prices expected to rise by as much as $1.10 by this weekend.
10:00 A.M. - State Insurance Commissioner Robert Wooley: People interested in checking up on their insurance can contact the Dept. of Insurance at 1-800-259-5300 or online at Nationwide damage estimates stand at $26 billion, and $17 to $19 billion in Louisiana alone.
9:51 A.M. - WWL-TV: No information available from Washington and Tangipahoa Parishes.
9:48 A.M. - WWL-TV: St. Charles Parish residents may return to their homes to grab personal items before leaving the area.
9:46 A.M. - CNN: Commercial flights coming out of New Orleans International Airport could resume in two months.
9:31 A.M. - WWL-TV: UNO campus surrounded by water.
9:30 A.M. - WWL-TV: Lakefront Airport is totally submerged.
9:22 A.M. - (AP) Looting broke out in some New Orleans neighborhoods today, prompting authorities to send more than 70 additional officers and an armed personnel carrier into the city.
Police say one officer was shot in the head by a looter yesterday, but is expected to recover.
The (New Orleans) Times-Picayune reports today that a Wal-Mart in the Lower Garden District was looted, and the entire gun collection was taken.
9:09 A.M. - (AP) VATICAN: Pope Benedict says he is praying for victims of Hurricane Katrina and urged rescue workers to persevere in bringing comfort to survivors.
9:04 A.M. - (AP) Plans are being put into place to transport evacuees from the Superdome to the Houston Astrodome via a bus convoy.
8:41 A.M. - Gov. Blanco and Archbishop Hughes lead the State O.E.P. in prayer. "We look to (God) for our care," Hughes said. The Governor said monumental work lay ahead, and that a "higher power" was needed.
7:59 A.M. - Suzanne Parsons: St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office - 2,186 in public shelters in St. Tammany and number is growing.
7:49 A.M. - Governor Blanco: Four Navy ships headed to New Orleans with food and water.
7:38 A.M. - CNN report...another attempt will be made to sandbag the 17th Street Canal.
7:24 A.M. - Slidell Mayor Ben Morris: Electricity is six to 12 weeks away.
7:06 A.M. - Governor Blanco wants the Superdome evacuated within two days.
6:57 A.M. - Governor Blanco: "Absolutely necessary" that the Army Corps of Engineers drop sandbags into the levee breach.
6:50 A.M. - Sen. Landrieu: The whole parish of St. Bernard is gone.
6:27 A.M. - (AP) Conditions in New Orleans hospitals deteriorate. Click for story.
6:22 A.M. - (AP) No time to count the dead as rescue efforts Click for story.
6:20 A.M. - Governor Blanco: Estimated 20,000 people in dome and they will be dispersed around the state to rescue centers being set up. Situation 'unteneable' in Superdome.
6:13 A.M. - Governor Blanco: Essential personnel will stay in city, but general public needs to go. Logistical nightmare to bring in food and water.
6:11 A.M. - Governor Blanco: We have found places around the state to house the refugees, we just need to get them out.
6:10 A.M. - (AP) -- Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman says the Bush administration will release oil from petroleum reserves to help refiners affected by Hurricane Katrina.
5:55 A.M. GOVERNOR BLANCO: Stopping the looting is important, but saving lives a higher priority right now. Not sure where looters think they are taking the stuff since city may soon be under water.