This is a great story. Posted from
After Downing Street's Blog .
On Tuesday Sept 27th, the Santa Cruz City Council will consider resubmitting a letter to the House Judiciary Committee of the United States Congress calling for the investigation and possible impeachment of the the Bush Administration.
More below the fold:
What is so great about this is that it is a true grassroots campaign that I think we should all support and try and get our own cities to do independently as well.
Much more at the full article .
Their letter they are considering says it all:
Honorable F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. September 28,2005 Chair, House Judiciary Committee 2138 Rayburn House Building Washington, DC 20525
Dear Mr. Chairman:
On September 10th, 2003, the Mayor and City Council of this city sent to you, for your consideration and reply, a letter representing some very serious concerns of our constituents regarding the actions of the Bush Administration. The letter asked you to examine six areas in which our citizenry believed that the Bush Administration might well have committed impeachable offenses, and to begin impeachment immediately if you deemed it justified.
The Council, and therefore our whole community, never received a response from your committee to that letter.
In the intervening two years, copious evidence has been revealed that only heightens the need to have those questions, and others, examined and answered. A president and high ranking cabinet members who commit high crimes and misdemeanors, or engage in other highly egregious behavior that rises to the level of a crime in most people's minds, cannot be recalled. They can, however, be impeached. It is the role of the Judiciary Committee to impartially apply the rule of law and order for all of the American people, and for the honor of this country. Impeachment should be not a political tool, but one of applying justice, in the highest sense of that word.
International treaties, accords, charters, conventions, and agreements, when ratified by the United States Senate, become part of the body of what is called the "supreme law" of the land. It seems likely that the Bush Administration has violated, at the least, the United Nations Charter, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the Geneva Convention, the Geneva Accord, and the Convention Against Torture, and therefore has violated the supreme law of the land. In intentionally misleading the American people, and the world, about the reasons for a preemptive and aggressive war against Iraq that has cost tens of thousands of lives, billions of dollars, and American respect abroad, they have committed an offense that, in the the minds of a vast number of Americans, rises to the level of a high crime.
In light of the recent revelations of the Downing Street Memos, with respect to the atrocities that have now been revealed at Abu Ghraib and at Guantanamo (and about which you have much more information than the general public), with regard to the information that over 1000 tons of depleted uranium (classified as a weapon of mass destruction) have been dropped on Iraq during this war, and with regard to the new information about the source of the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame, we are resubmitting our letter to you in the name of the people of this community.
We hope you will give it your serious attention, and we look forward to your reply.
Mike Rotkin Mayor
I know their a liberal city that the right and media will take with a grain of salt, but what if we could get 100's of similar small/medium cities to do the same? Or even some biggies like SF and NYC?