While we're all entitled to a good laugh over de DeLay Debacle, no doubt heralding more trouble for the Repugs, it behooves us to not automatically assume that Repug Defat = Dems Victory.
I still have to be convinced that the present, impending crisis (energy, real estate bubble, etc.) is not going to push the Dems into the Whig-like extinct status they seem to aspire to.
History is rife with crises when the people en masse have gotten the shaft (from pre-Revolutionary France to Weimar Republic) and, in understandable violent anger, have turned not to the "reasonable" established opposition party, but instead created a new, fascistic Frankenstein-like political movement.
More under the fold...
To believe that the ineffectual, hopelessly incompetent Bush regime will be automatically replaced by the kinder, dubiously competent Democrats is, to say the least, chancy.
I can easily envision the disappointed Right and all the pissed off middle class favor the emergence of something like the British National Party: tough on energy, tough on brown-skinned people, led by a providential tough "Man of Action".
Without FDR, who knows what America might have become in the 1930s? We may be at that crossroad once again.
Certainly reading Orcinus does not lead me to believe the American Public has changed its stripes. They may grow more disillusioned over BushCo, but the true lessons have not been learned -- can they truly be learned until after a chaotic fall?
Anyway, no doubt that, as the Repugs disintegrate into an odd Weimarian/Hoover mess, the economic disarray, the energy crisis and other forces assaulting the country will create a need for an ever stronger, more repellent leader to lead the people and "take action."
Take a good look at America as it is now: you may not see it again for a long, long time.