Welcome to the Freeper Frame Shop. I visited Free Republic against my better judgment, and I saw a headline that struck me as a little off-key for the site.
Why aren't there enough troops in New Orleans? Because they're all in Iraq!
When I clicked on it, I found out the thread had been pulled (wonder why), so I'm quoting the headline from memory. In its place on the site was the following ...
Governor Jeb Bush and Mayor Rudy Giuliani versus Governor Kathleen Blanco and Mayor Ray Nagin
Here's all it says:
How is it that Jeb Bush can prepare in advance and evacuate millions for four Hurricanes while Kathleen Blanco prepares next to nothing?
How is it that Rudy Giuliani can gain control of downtown New York on 9/11 while Ray Gavin tells people to evacuate 10 hours before the storm hits and lets looting run rampant after it passes?
Of course, rather than actually stop to think about why that might be, or provide any sort of link to stories that back up their implied conclusion, they begin pumping the idea. Read the next comments and brace yourself for the coming spin storm:
This is an obvious contrast and one the MSM should be discussing.
Excellent questions. Let's keep asking, and asking, and asking them.
Guiliani/Jeb Bush(Pubbie) vs. nagin/blanco(democrat), there is quite a contrast in preparedness and response to disasters.
Very simple difference between the "can do" mentaility of being a Republican and the "entitlement- gimme, gimme, gimme" liberal approach!
One person haplessly asks, "do you have a link to this??" No responses with a link, but we should be counting the minutes until a "Developing" bit from Drudge on Democratic incompetence in LA.