Let me say right off, I know I'm going to take a lot of heat for what I am about to say, but I'm going to say it anyways. Here goes; You have once again, been let down by a party that doesn't care what you think, doesn't care about your phone calls, letters, e-mails, and other ways to contact them.
It is about time to reconsider the Democrats and why you are still a member of that party. Since Bush took(stole), the office in 2001, he has done everything in his power to screw over this country. His illegal war in Iraq, his breaking the FISA laws, his slow, pitiful response to Hurricane Katrina, just to name a few. His approval ratings are between 38% and 44%, depending on which poll you look at. He was partly responsible for the worst terrorist attack on this country. In fact, he has been a total failure in every aspect of his presidency.
However, will all that, the Democratic party has become a laughingstock. They roll over and play dead with issues they ought to be screaming at the top of their lungs to defeat. They e-mail letters, make phone calls, sign useless petitions in order to make themselves feel like that will make a difference, when it won't. They have useless filibusters, they know that have a snowballs chance in hell of working. Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi should be fired for leading a bunch of useless piles of garbage for Senators and Congressmen and women.
As soon as the Democrats get even the slightest bit of dander up on an issue, the Republicans, trot out some idiot to look at the Democrats wrong, and the party caves in like a flimsy house of cards. The party has no spine, no soul and not an ounce of fight in them.
I was listening to Mike Malloy last night, and he had his usual rampage about how the Democrats have let you down again, and I think he hit upon something. You can forget about winning elections in the near future. He said forget about taking back Congress in 2006, winning the presidency in 08, 12, 16, or even 2020. If your going to cave in on every issue that comes up, there is nothing to rally around. No issue that resinates, no issue to fight for, and no party to see that your issues get heard. That is what the Democrats have become.
Since the Democrats have become so terrified of fighting for what it believes, you have 2 choices, 1, sit there and do nothing, or 2, change party affliation, and become independents. I became an indepedent simply because both political parties don't speak for me. I think it's time for honest debate over what the Democrats stand for. Can someone honestly tell me what issues the Democrats have fought for in the last 5 years, and what issues they will fight for in the future?? I can't!!!
This is not a blanket condemnation of all Democrats. Some will fight for what they believe in, but as a whole, your party has been reduced to rubble. The Democrats should be rolling along, looking forward to the mid-term elections with anticipation, but they are not. Right now the Democrats have no shot at taking either the House or the Senate. With the president so low in the polls, the Democrats should be on the march, talking up their agenda and stomping on the presidents head, but they are not.
Are you proud of your party this morning? You shouldn't be!!! Once again, the president controls the agenda, and the Democrats sit back like some coward with no backbone, and lets it happen. The Democratic party is dead!!!! R.I.P.