Last week, Rep. Barbara Cubin (R-WY) got into hot water for threatening to slap her Libertarian opponent across the face after he called her on taking donations from Tom DeLay's PAC and Jack Abramoff. The Libertarian, Thomas Rankin, is in a wheelchair and suffers from M.S.
Rep. Cubin also said she didn't think there was a problem with lobbyist donations and influence in Washington, D.C., saying that "lobbyists aren't boogiemen" -- of course, that's easy for her to say. She's accepted $55,959 in campaign donations from lobbyists.
My organization, Campaign Money Watch just launched a hard-hitting TV in Casper and Cheyenne media markets to take Cubin to task. Watch it and read more about the ad here
Let me know what you think in the comments. (Also, if anyone can tell me how to embed the YouTube of it -- -- I'd be greatly appreciative.)
We found it unconscionable for a sitting member of Congress to threaten an opponent with physical harm just because he dared to question how campaign contributions influence politics. Americans know that big campaign contributions -- especially from lobbyists and from "leaders" like Tom DeLay -- come with strings attached. Cubin doesn't want the real story to come out.
Too late.